FL Testing bills: Jeb increases student suffering while Sen. Montford dials back damage

  Two testing bills are central to Florida’s downward spiral defense of its crumbling A-F School Accountability scheme. No discussion of these bills is complete without first acknowledging that the Florida’s high stakes testing experiment should be replaced. Despite this, legislators and lobbyists strive mightily to “fix” what clearly should be abandoned. HB1249 /SB964 by Sen. Bill Montford…


The Florida Corporate Tax Credit program: A statewide scam

by: Diane Ravitch | March 7, 2017 A nonprofit parent-led group called Fund Education Now created a fact sheet about Florida’s Corporate Tax Credit plan, which was designed to evade the state constitution’s explicit ban on using public money to fund religious or private education. In 2006, as governor, Jeb Bush pushed through a universal…


FL Shell Game: Failed charter converts to private voucher school

What happens when a district for-profit charter school is shut down “following a damning audit and troubling site visits?”  No problem. The charter management company can just “convert” to a private school, avoid all accountability and start taking voucher cash from the state. Florida charter schools have less oversight than traditional district schools and private…


Shuttered ‘choice’ school: Where’s the accountability?

by Scott Maxwell | The Orlando Sentinel | February 28, 2017 Last month, the Sentinel reported revolting accusations aimed at a local school for special-needs students. Administrators of the private school — funded largely through Florida’s school-voucher programs and Medicaid reimbursements — were accused of defrauding taxpayers out of more than $4 million. Parents said the…


After DeVos, Public Education Advocates face state battles

Grass roots public education advocates, you are magnificent! Although Betsy DeVos was confirmed as U.S. Secretary of Education by 51-50, she walks into her new job wearing a giant red flag. The fight that lies ahead is huge. Fund Education Now needs your help. Please donate to help fund our web platform and messaging tool.…
