Central Florida 100 – public education & the headlines

Central Florida 100 responses, October 28, 2015 100 of Central Florida’s most influential people weigh in on current events. Read their thoughts on the biggest stories of the week and see what they think will make headlines next week. Kathleen Oropeza, co-founder, FundEducationNow.org,  will be submitting weekly thoughts. Last week: President Obama and Education Secretary…


Notice of Development of Rulemaking DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION State Board of Education RULE NO.:        RULE TITLE: 6A-1.09981        Implementation of Florida’s System of School Improvement and Accountability PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The purpose and effect of the rule development is, primarily, to revise the rule to conform to statutory changes by creating a new school grades calculation…

Take Action: Oppose the FSA at next BOE meeting, keep demanding Exec. Order from Gov. Scott

Keep using your voices!  You’ve sent at least 40K letters to Gov. Scott and his education advisers!   Even so, Commissioner Stewart stubbornly clings to the state’s failed “education reform” ideology. We all know that politics is behind her FSA loyalty. Let’s grow the 40K+  letters you’ve sent and keep urging Gov. Scott to issue an Executive Order to…