Leadership lives in all of us. Our children depend on us to speak up for them.

This is an all-hands-on-deck moment. We must bear witness to the political for-profit scheme to sell Florida Public K-12 Education to the highest bidder.

None of us expected to be knee-deep in the drive to save public education. Our growing base of public education advocates is the result of simply talking to one another.

It’s inspiring when busy moms, dads, grandparents, Republicans, Democrats and Independents join us to tell this story. High-quality public education is a shared fundamental value deeply woven into the fabric of Florida’s future.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Pull together 5 to 10 like-minded parents and teachers who will help you raise awareness in your community
  • Host a house party – discuss the issue
  • Form a speakers bureau in your district to present our case to other parents, teachers, congregations, community groups and business leaders
  • Gather the names of others who want to become better informed by receiving our alerts
  • Reach out to other groups who share our mission

FundEducationNow.org has presentations, strategies, training and other materials to help support your efforts.

Contact us to get started.info@fundeducationnow.org