
Florida is currently ranked 50th out of 50 states in per capita funding for K-12 public education and 41st in per pupil funding. -US Census 2010

Although it is the Constitutional duty of the legislature to fund education, property owners are footing more of the public education bill through higher, local property taxes. The state funded 61% of education 12 years ago. Currently, only 34% of education costs are supplied by the state ranking Florida 49th in the nation in the amount contributed to educate a child. -US Census 2010

Florida ranks 43rd among the states in spending on education as percentage of total resources spending only 3.3% of its resources on education. -Education Week “Quality Counts, 2010”

Florida’s students rank 49th in average ACT Standardized Test Scores. -ACT, Inc.

Florida ranks 50th in per capita spending on education but ranks 15th in the nation in spending on corrections. -2010 US Census and NEA Rankings of the States 2010

19.7% of Florida’s 2,631,020 students live in poverty compared to the national average of 18.2%. -U.S. Census Bureau Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates

“For every dollar invested in high-quality, comprehensive programs supporting children…there is a $7-$10 return to society in decreased need for special education services, higher graduation and employment rates, less crime, less use of the public welfare system, and better health.” -Chicago Longitudinal Study

High school graduates earn a national average of $8,000 more annually compared to high school dropouts. -Alliance for Excellent Education

Florida is 3rd among states whose students fail to graduate from High School with 90,488 projected non-graduates for 2010. Of the 11,000 school systems nationwide, 7 Florida districts are among the 25 nationally determined to be at the “epicenter of the graduation crisis.” Education Week, “Diplomas Count 2010”

If the 90,488 high school dropouts from the Class of 2010 had earned their diplomas instead of dropping out, Florida’s economy would have seen an additional $24 billion in wages over these students’ lifetimes. -Alliance for Excellent Education

70% of people in top 10% income bracket have at least a bachelor’s degree and someone with a college degree makes 73% more over a lifetime than someone with only a high school degree. -McKinsey Global Institute and “Education Pays: the Benefits of Higher Education for Individuals and Society,” 2004, The College Board

A high school dropout is 5-8x more likely to be incarcerated than a college graduate. -“Crime and the Costs of Criminal Justice” Pew Center

A 10% increase in high school graduation rates would reduce murder rates by 20%. -National Bureau of Economic Research

In 1970, the United States had 30% of the world’s college graduates, now has only 15%. -National Governors Association