Manatee County Parents Join Voices with Fund Education Now

This week, Kathleen Oropeza and Linda Kobert visited Bradenton to attend a meeting of parent representatives from local schools.  Their group, headed by Christine Sket, has decided to join forces with About 40 parents in the Manatee school district formally merged with the group during the district’s Joint Parent Organization quarterly meeting on Tuesday.…

An interview with one of our founders…

Orlando Sentinel Threat of school cuts sent Orlando mom into action Leslie Postal Sentinel Staff Writer August 2, 2009   Sunday Spotlight Kathleen Oropeza Birthplace: Atlanta Resides: Orlando Occupation: Stay-at-home mom, active in PTA and school advisory council at Blankner School, one of the founders of Family: Husband, Keith; sons Nicholas, 9, and Alexander, As economic news…

Florida’s public schools are at risk

Editorial, Miami Herald Thurs. July 16, 2009 Gov. Charlie Crist keeps hailing the federal stimulus package as a magic job-saver — on Wednesday he pointed to $2 billion of the money helping 26,000 teachers stay employed in Florida. The governor’s pronouncement came a day after President Barack Obama pledged $12 billion for the nation’s community…