2020 FL Senate Candidates: Friend or Foe of Public Ed?

  VOTE TOMMORROW, Nov 3, 2020. No Excuses. Odd district numbers for the Florida Senate are on the 2020 General Election Ballot. If you have not voted, take a look at who supports public education and who does not.  Current situation in the Florida Senate: GOP dominates by 6 votes, 3 seats need to turn Democrat…


FL Voters CAN break the stranglehold of single party rule

Early vote now through November 1, 2020! Take your friends.  Election day is Tuesday, November 3, 2020 During a presidential election, the average number of voters who fail to vote is roughly 25%.  Reality check: 25% of all registered Florida voters is approximately 3.5 million! That’s an army.  Stand up. Your vote could make all…


Public Ed Advocates to DeSantis: Use $770M to help students most affected by COVID-19 school closures

Florida Public Education advocates, including Fund Education Now, are urging state leaders to use the nearly billion dollars the state is receiving in federal emergency funding to eliminate education inequities and support children and families disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 school closures. The Florida Department of Education is set to receive more than $770 million…


FSBA recommendations to DeSantis & Corcoran on re-opening public schools stress safety, flexibility, local control

This week the Florida School Boards Association sent a letter and recommendations to Governor DeSantis and Commissioner Corcoran regarding the 2020-21 school year that addresses Phases 2, 3, and 4 of “Re-opening” public schools. This is important information. FSBA priorities include: Safety for students and staff is the top priority Success of the Florida economy…


FL Teachers to COE Corcoran: New inclusive task force needed to guide re-opening schools

Florida politicians and bureaucrats from Governor DeSantis to Legislators to the Board of Education do not accept the reality that the most important  and invested public school stakeholders – students, teachers and families. To address that, the Florida Educators Association is urging Commissioner Corcoran to ask public education staff, medical professionals and authentic stakeholders such…


Central Florida 100: How to reopen and what to do first

Published in the Orlando Sentinel | April 26, 2020 Kathleen Oropeza, co-founder, FundEducationNow.org When and how do you think Central Florida SHOULD reopen in the wake of the coronavirus epidemic? TESTS SHOULD DECIDE: COVID-19 is the ultimate decider. Even if politicians and chamber types force a “reopening” all will be rendered moot by a resurgence…
