Urge Gov. Scott to Choose Public Ed & VETO HB 7069!

The scariest news of all about HB 7069 is a Miami Herald report that Sen. David Simmons has written a “fix”  for HB 7069 after being one of the few Republicans who voted against it.  The only thing that will make HB 7069 better is a veto. Speaker Corcoran has delayed giving Gov. Scott HB…


King Corcoran buys”Session Biggest Winner” title for $20K – almost 50% of a teacher’s salary

Richard Corcoran thinks he’s a monarch not the Speaker of the Florida House. He feels entitled to negotiate budgets and train bills in secrecy. He thinks nothing of calling teachers “downright evil.” He and his cronies, the Koch Bros., lambaste “corporate welfare” when it comes to Enterprise Florida but plow $200M into the blatant corporate Charter welfare “Schools of…


FL Checklist: The bad policies in HB 7069/Conforming Bill

  What exactly has been stuffed into the Conforming bill known as HB 7069?  Remember, most of these ALEC policies are driven by Jeb’s Foundations and assigned to legislators who did their best to avoid public debate. That’s because no one but Jeb, the Koch Bros, and the charter/voucher lobby wants this legislation. Ever seen…
