Get Schooled: No to ”Schools of Hope” Charter Turnaround Heist, Urge Senate to reject SB796, block inclusion in Budget & “Train Bill”

Status:  HB 5105 “Charter School Turnaround Heist/Schools of Hope” passed in the House along strict party lines. No companion in Senate except Sen. Bean’s SB796, which is scheduled to be heard for the first time in committee on Monday, 4/17/17. Please take the time to read and understand the dangerous lie behind HB 5105 and why…

HB 5105: Rep. Shevrin Jones to discuss flawed “schools of hope” at press conference

On Wednesday, April 12th, at 10:00am Representative Shevrin Jones and Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum will hold a press conference to discuss HB 5105/Charter School Turnaround Heist, the flawed “Schools of Hope” Legislation and its detrimental effects on Florida’s public schools outside the House Chamber, 4th Floor Rotunda, The Capitol. Take action now! Tell the House…

Thank the Senate Ed Comm: SB 926 testing bill passes, Montford-inspired amendments intact!

Thank the Senate Education Committee now. They did a rare thing. Republicans and Democrats worked together and voted unanimously to pass the so-called “fewer, better tests,” SB 926, with the Montford-inspired amendments remarkably intact, transforming it into a bill that actually reduces testing. That’s a record turnaround. Just a few weeks ago Sen. Montford’s superior…

Diaz “turn-around” heist hands public schools over to charter corporations

Rep. Manny Diaz and the House Education Committee launched HB 5105  codifying a longstanding resentment that for-profit charter developers feel toward district public schools. One of the chief complaints proponents have about charters is that they just aren’t replicating fast enough. Laws are passed every session to favor unmitigated charter growth. Right now districts have multiple statutory…

Read up: Legislative terms you need to know!

Words matter. And when it comes to the Florida Legislature terminology and acronyms may matter more. When the testing bill was recently TP’d (temporarily postponed) some weren’t sure what that meant. Check out this handy list of legislative terms and acronyms prepared by the Florida Senate and look at this glossary of education “reform”/privatization terms. Read up.…