2015 Florida Legislative mid-session recap

  2015 Florida Legislative mid-session recap   Fund Education Now: 2015 Florida Legislative mid-session recap Activity in Tallahassee has slowed considerably.  Many education bills are stalled as the fight over the budget and the impasse over Medicaid expansion grows ever more divisive. Unfortunately, this disagreement may end up having a negative effect on public school…

Tweet @ Your Legislators!

Have a message for Tallahassee politicians? If you can squeeze it into 140 characters or less- you can tag them in a tweet. Here is the list of all twitter handles for the Florida House and the Florida Senate. Not everyone has a Twitter account so feel free to send them an email instead. 2014…


“Poner en Secuestro” (Sequestration) es una serie de recortes automáticos al  presupuesto Federal que tomara efecto el 1ro de Marzo, si el Congreso no toma acción. Da un “click” aquí y dile a tu representante al congreso que proteja a los niños de Florida y evite el “Secuestro Presupuestario”. Estos recortes son enormes, de hecho,…