Let schools use simpler alternatives to state tests

Orlando Sentinel |Opinion printed July 19, 2015 It’s a solution that would have pleased Henry David Thoreau, who urged, “Simplify, simplify.” Seminole County Public Schools had fits this spring administering Florida’s new standardized test. So Superintendent Walt Griffin wrote state Education Commissioner Pam Stewart on Monday to request her support for a simple, economical alternative…

Foundations use report cards to influence votes

  July 15, 2015 This is the season when the Foundation for Florida’s Future, the Florida Chamber and Associated Industries of Florida release their 2015 Legislative Report Cards.  In particular, the Foundation assigns grades to legislators’ based on their willingness to pass the Jeb Bush/ALEC-driveneducation reform/privatization policy agenda. These grades are a road map for voters.…

Florida Education budget falls short

The Florida House and Senate finally agreed on an Education budget early Tuesday, June 16th at 12:30 am. The budget is expected to pass this Friday, June 19th following the required 72 hour cooling off period. Despite promises of an historic funding increase, lawmakers fell short of making public education their “paramount duty” as required…