The Bravery of Teachers

Without question, the gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut committed evil. Millions of prayers have been said by all of us. Who could do such a thing? What do we tell our own children, who thankfully came home from school on Friday, about an act so cruel? Moms lost babies and babies…

Manatee County School Board District 2 Candidate Forum

Mr. Miner and Mr. Moates, candidates for Manatee School Board District 2, participated in a written continuation of the Fund Education Now Candidate Forum.  Click here to read the questions posed by community members and the responses from both school board candidates: School Board District 2 Community Questions and Candidate Answers Regardless of who is elected,…

Manatee County School Board Candidate Responses

Manatee County School District is operating in emergency mode and much has transpired since the Fund Education Now Candidate Forum in August.  Parents, teachers and community members are concerned about the educational future of children in Manatee County and have questions for both Mr. Miner and Mr. Moates, candidates for school board in district 2. Fund Education Now will facilitate a Written…