Responding to The 74 Jumping on the Social-Emotional Learning Bandwagon

JULY 23, 2018 BY JANE ROBBINS AND KAREN EFFREM An education news organization called The 74 (heavily funded by the Gates Foundation) recently jumped on the bandwagon for so-called social-emotional  learning (SEL). This supposedly objective news source found little reason for skepticism about implementing SEL, as long as teachers are given sufficient resources and guidance. But such cheerleading masks deep concerns about whether schools…


Spectrum hosts Ed Reformy “Town Hall”

Spectrum Cable News is hosting a rather one-sided “town hall” featuring a lone pro-public education legislator, Rep. Kamia Brown, several educators and a host of “Ed Reform” Choice proponents, including politicians and Doug Tuthill, president of the voucher program, Step Up for Students. The event takes place in Sanford on Tuesday, July 24th from 6p-8p and…


Opinion: Forty-seven cents per student just won’t cut it

Rosanne Wood | Your Turn | Tallahassee Democrat | April 21, 2018 The Florida Legislature allocated public schools a whopping 47 cents more per student for discretionary spending for the upcoming school year. In real terms, considering rising insurance premiums and inflation — that’s a big cut. Last year the school board received a hundred extra…


HB 7055 Budget flimflam- Secret House/Senate horsetrading begins

HB 7055, Speaker Richard Corcoran’s controversial Bully-voucherizing, charter-expanding, school-board-eroding, teacher-union- destroying, buried-in-the-House-budget train hit the brick wall of the Florida Senate this past Thursday. Earlier in the day the House passed its budget, HB 5001, which stipulates that any school funding is contingent on passage of HB 7055: HB 5001,Page 20, SA 92 AID TO LOCAL…


FL House Heroes & Zeroes: Budget Vote/HB 7055 Bully Train

Did your Florida Representative vote YES on the HB 5001 Budget knowing that Speaker Corcoran used proviso language to tie K12 public education funding to the passage of HB 7055? What sort of public servant ransoms our children’s education funding to ensure votes on a train bill meant to harm schools? It’s time to elect Florida…
