$10K Best & Brightest – caters to TFA/new hires, not veterans

  Rep. Erik Fresen, FL House   Florida symbolizes the unbearable ridiculousness of school reform.  The “Best & Brightest” is a $10,000 bonus that new hires can earn immediately if their high school SAT or ACT scores were above the 80th percentile.  Veteran teachers can’t get the cash until they earn a “highly effective” rating…


Florida Senate admits map it drew is unconstitutional

BY JEREMY WALLACE AND MARY ELLEN KLAS Herald/Times Tallahassee Bureau July 28, 2015 | TALLAHASSEE After spending nearly three years and millions of dollars defending its redistricting map, the Florida Senate gave up the fight Tuesday as it conceded for the first time that the courts were going to find it violated the state constitution. Lawyers…


In Tampa Bay, this is what child poverty looks like

Tampa Bay Times| July 25, 2015 by: Caitlin Johnston| Photo: Douglas R. Clifford/Times Nearly 1 million Florida children were living in poverty in 2013. Ashley Corbett is a single mother raising one of those kids, Jayden, 3. Soon she will have two. The 29-year-old is seven months pregnant with her second child. When things get…


Let schools use simpler alternatives to state tests

Orlando Sentinel |Opinion printed July 19, 2015 It’s a solution that would have pleased Henry David Thoreau, who urged, “Simplify, simplify.” Seminole County Public Schools had fits this spring administering Florida’s new standardized test. So Superintendent Walt Griffin wrote state Education Commissioner Pam Stewart on Monday to request her support for a simple, economical alternative…


Foundations use report cards to influence votes

  July 15, 2015 This is the season when the Foundation for Florida’s Future, the Florida Chamber and Associated Industries of Florida release their 2015 Legislative Report Cards.  In particular, the Foundation assigns grades to legislators’ based on their willingness to pass the Jeb Bush/ALEC-driveneducation reform/privatization policy agenda. These grades are a road map for voters.…


Florida Education budget falls short

The Florida House and Senate finally agreed on an Education budget early Tuesday, June 16th at 12:30 am. The budget is expected to pass this Friday, June 19th following the required 72 hour cooling off period. Despite promises of an historic funding increase, lawmakers fell short of making public education their “paramount duty” as required…


Florida: Orange announces plan to hold students harmless from EOC stakes

Orange County Public Schools Superintendent Barbara Jenkins reacted to yesterday’s decision by the Florida Department of Education to suspend the consequences of Algebra I, II and Geometry, by holding all students harmless from the numerous “common finals” (district developed end of course exams) mandated by the state to determine teacher effectiveness.  Orange County is the…


Taxpayers and charter schools

School choice in the form of charter schools offers parents good options for their children’s education. But corporate welfare in the form of taxpayer-funded construction of private facilities is another matter entirely. Once again, the Legislature is on track to favor charters over public schools, with the House considering diverting tens of millions of dollars…
