Governor Scott’s proposed cut to public education is $3.3 Billion dollars. This is catastrophic. His plan will cause massive teacher layoffs, school closings and the elimination of all but the most basic core courses. Worst of all, our children will be very badly hurt. is deeply concerned that Governor Scott is ignoring his paramount duty by choosing to slash billions from defenseless school children who have a constitutional right to a free, high-quality, adequately funded, efficient, safe and uniform public education.
Governor Scott wants to fund public education for the low wage, service economy he plans for Florida. Signing this petition means you will send a message to Florida’s politicians that Governor Scott’s budget stabs at the heart of our children’s schools and dooms any prospects of true economic recovery.
Florida’s children are the key to our long term economic stability. High-quality public education is a job creator not a funding burden. Governor Scott must embrace his paramount duty to invest in the real future of this state – the students.