Early Voting Begins October 18th

October 18th is the first day of Early Voting.  If you are reading this, you can vote today.  Make the time.  Your voice must be heard during this critical election.   None of us can afford to “sit this one out and see what happens.”   From the Governor’s race down, too much is at stake. Early…

Fair Districts: Florida’s Best Chance

Fair Districts Amendments 5 & 6 are Florida’s chance to tell legislators to “check their party at the door,” and get back to the honor and dignity of representing us, the voters. These two amendments stop lawmakers, regardless of party, from gerrymandering districts to favor themselves.  Year after year, significant numbers of incumbents run unopposed. …

Be an Educated Voter

Join us. Become an Educated Voter. Fund Education Now has created an easy-to-use tool on our website that includes an Education Report Card based on incumbent’s voting records, links to the candidate’s campaign contributions, top funding sources by industry and positions on education. View it here. We each have one vote. Our kids desperately need…

Amendment 8 is a Catch-22

Amendment 8 should come with one of those endless TV disclaimers. Both sides are gearing up, spending big bucks and are fully convinced that they are “right.” Just as they did with the Lottery, the Florida legislature has manipulated the voters of this state. School Boards against teachers’ unions, high school parents against elementary school…