Fund Education Now supports investment in traditional public schools and believes that education is an economic driver for Florida. We agree that the Florida Constitution states that it is the “paramount duty” of the legislature to provide and high quality education to every child living in the state.
We support accountability and assessment measures when used to look at the entire growth of a child over the course of a year and uses standardized testing for diagnostic purposes only.
We support recognizing teachers as professional educators and paying them what they are worth. We recognize the vital role teaching plays in setting up the next generation of creative and critical thinkers. Recruiting, retaining, training, and rewarding high-quality teachers and principals must be a high priority.
We support informed parental choice where parents can choose classes, programs, and public schools based on real outcomes. We support a level playing field for all publicly funded Florida schools and expect them to be evaluated using a uniform scale.
We support digital learning where students learn in a technology rich environment using age appropriate technology and instruction provided by a high quality classroom teacher.
We support the blended model of virtual instruction as an option to supplement the curriculum offered to high-school students as a choice, not a requirement, and only in keeping with the constitutional provision of a high quality education.
We support school districts’ right to local control and the freedom to pursue innovative practices. We support local districts’ right to flexibility in the implementation of unfunded mandates.
We support multiple pathways to success which include a college ready track and a prestigious career track, increasing the opportunity for success that every Florida student deserves.