Glossary of terms:
Magnet Schools expose students to a challenging area of study, including AP and Magnet specific classes, increase student achievement, explore individual talents and helps determine interests and strategies in preparation for career and/or college studies.
International Baccalaureate is an internationally recognized, pre-university course of extensive language arts, math, science, history, liberal arts and foreign language study that stresses analytical skills and communication.
Advanced Placement (AP) is a College Board program that offers college-level curriculum and examinations to high school students. Universities admit students and offer course credit to those who earn high scores on AP examinations.
Dual enrollment is meant to help students reach educational goals faster and eliminate duplication between high school and college. Program encourages students to simultaneously earn both high school and college credits for a single course.
Typical magnet programs: Aviation/Aerospace, Criminal Justice/Law/Finance, Medical Arts, Laser Photonics, Foreign Language, Digital Media/Gaming, Engineering/Science/Technology, Global Technologies, International Studies, and Visual/Performing Arts.
Transportation is not provided to and from optional public schools, unless your magnet or IB school is also your zoned school.